
Programme PGP Term IV Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Supply Chain Thinking: Value Creation and Adaptation Area Production & Quantitative Methods Credits 0.50

Prof. Shardul Phadnis (VF)

Course Description & Objectives
This course seeks to highlight the importance of taking the supply chain perspective (to complement the ‘industry structure’ and ‘firm resources’ perspectives) to make decisions related to business strategy. The course uses a combination of cases and exercises to help students appreciate two particular aspects of supply chain thinking: potential of supply chain thinking to create (not just deliver) value, and the need to adapt supply chain as the business environment evolves. 

One half of the course explores value creation through supply chain thinking by examining supply chain strategies of firms creating value in one industry (apparel) using different business models, as well as firms creating value and societal benefits simultaneously. The other half of the course explores the importance of supply chain adaptability by examining firms’ response to changing business environment. The exploration of value creation and adaptation aspects of supply chains in the class discussions is complemented through assignments and a class project.

This course highlights the potential of supply chain thinking to create value and the importance of adapting supply chain strategy as the business environment evolves. 

Case Method