
Programme PGP Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Brand Management Area Marketing Credits 0.75

Prof. Subhadip Roy

Course Description & Objectives
Branding is the central component of marketing strategy and the dominant theme in marketing today affecting not just Consumer Goods but also B2B, Services, and Non-Profits. This course will give students a deeper understanding of the process of brand building in a variety of business contexts, the integrated requirements for effective brand reinforcement and revitalization, and the models, measures and impact of brand equity. There will be special focus on the brands and brand management in the Indian Context.

The learning objectives of the course are:
1. To provide an overview of Brand Management.
2. To provide students with understanding of various Brand Management functions and strategies.
3. To equip the students with the necessary skills to build, grow and maintain a successful brand.
4. To familiarise students with the importance of brand management for the success of a company in the long run and in the global market

The major role of the faculty will be that of a facilitator. There would be three different types of pedagogy through which learning would be delivered. The faculty would give out lecture sessions primarily using PowerPoint presentations, but will also make use of the black/white board whenever required. The faculty will also facilitate the lecture delivery using audio visual tools (such as Television Commercials) as and when required.

The theoretical learning would be supplemented by case discussions where the students would debate and discuss case studies relevant to course topics.

There would also be activity sessions where the students would be involved in real-time simulations/activities related to certain course topics.

Since this is a post graduate course, the students would be required to
  • Come prepared to the class with a reading of the topic to be discussed in advance.
  • Be prepared to answer questions asked by the faculty and take part in effective discussions in the classroom.
  • Be able to critically analyze the course concepts
  • Learn the applicability of the course concepts in real life business scenarios
  • Be able to debate (in an civilized way) on the issues of branding with fellow students