
Programme PGP Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Business Turnaround and Organizational Transformation Area Human Resource Management Credits 0.75

Prof. Sunil Maheshwari

Course Description & Objectives
To achieve its objectives, the course will focus upon the following:
a) Action choice: Students are expected to make their action choices in different organizational distress situations.
b) Integrated Perspective: The course aims to develop an integrated perspective of organizational transformation.
c) The course would present different industry situations to enable the students to appreciate their unique strategic business imperatives.
d) This course involves intense analysis and data based decision-making.

This course aims to develop capabilities for leading rejuvenation in organizations in distress. Students are expected to appreciate the ways to create value for themselves and the shareholders in managing organizations in distress. This course will also enable the students to make investment choices in organizations that might get into financial difficulty.

- The course is primarily based on “case-method”. The method requires intense preparation by all the participants including the instructor.
Participants will be required to prepare decision and learning diary for each case.

- There will be few presentations by the students during the course.