
Programme PGP Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Organizing in the Digital Age: How Digital Innovations Create Value and Purpose Area Information Systems Credits 0.75

Prof. Pankaj Setia

Course Description & Objectives
Digital innovations are transforming the very meanings of organization. Humans have been organizing for ages. More accurately, organizing is an activity that spans living beings. Animals, including birds, rats, snakes, organize as they build or find places to live and feed their young ones. The human organization is more complex. Over the years, the human organization has been shaped by various artifacts–starting with the stone-age artifacts and leading up to industrial-age machines, such as cars or food processors. The digital age is marked with new-age innovations that transform the way we organize. Initially, viewed as a mechanism to automate data processing, digital innovations now are core to the organizational strategy, growth, and existence. To think about the relationship between digital innovations and organizations, managers and entrepreneursmust rethink their own self, the organizations they create, and their relationship with the broader human society–a vast and complex organization of human beings spanning races, religions, customers, ideologies, and cultures. Focused to address these dynamics, the course outlines the core principles that specify how organizations create value by using digital innovations.

As Digital Innovations are taking over the
The objective of the course is to answer the question: how organizations are creating and leveraging digital innovations to harness superior value? To do so, the course outlines core principles that have emerged across the world-class and cutting-edge research and executive knowledge. These principles help managers unravel ways to conceptualize and comprehend new age organizations, as digital innovations break geographic boundaries and constraints, create new channels, transform strategic and competitive landscapes, and enhance customer expectations. Specifically, the course will discuss contemporary concepts related to digital innovations, including disruptive innovations, digital capabilities, models of IT business value, neuroscientific foundations for customer value, digital business models, platform strategies, IT architectures, omnichannel strategies, open innovations, IT governance, managing digital projects, creating IT architectures, aligning strategy and IT governance, amongst others.

Specifically, the course will help address the following questions:
1. What are digital innovations and how do they serve customers or enhance organizational capabilities?
2. How do organizations transform themselves, create digital architectures, manage IT projects, and organize IT function in line with the business strategy?
3. What are the contemporary business models for leveraging digital innovations?
4. Why and how do organizations create value in the digital age, and do digital innovations transform the purpose of an organization’s existence?

A combination of lectures, case discussions, individual projects, and group work will be used to learn the concepts.