
Programme PGP Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Strategy in Emerging Markets Area Strategy Credits 0.75

Prof. Chitra Singla

Course Description & Objectives
This course on ‘Strategy in Emerging Markets’ emphasizes on various opportunities and challenges faced by locals firms as well as foreign MNCs in emerging markets. The uniqueness of this course lies in the predominant use of cases on emerging market firms and context. There are cases that look at firms from emerging economies like India, China, Russia, and Israel. The course introduces students to issues of institutional voids in an emerging market and how these voids sometimes hinder growth of firms. At the same time, the emerging economy context gives firms opportunity to innovate, develop different business models, and gain competitive advantage over firms from developed economies. In addition, the course touches upon the issues related to business groups, family businesses, and culture-all of which are important features of the emerging markets esp. India. The course focuses on the role government, industry, and firm and its stakeholders play in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage by a firm in an emerging economy context.


The dominant pedagogy for this course would be the case method. Rigorous analysis of cases provides opportunities to simulate “real world” inside the classroom as well as enable participative learning.

Class Preparation
Careful prior preparation of cases scheduled for class discussion, as well as thoughtful participation and listening during the case discussions will help develop your ability to analyze cases and their contexts. It will enable you to synthesize case data for taking strategic decisions and for planning their implementation – an ability that will be tested in end-term examination, which will be a case-based examination.