
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Business Government and Law Area Strategy Credits 0.50

Prof. Anurag K Agarwal

Course Description & Objectives
Business managers should play by the rules. Over the years direct regulation of business by government has been minimised, however, subtle control exists and at times, it makes all the difference. To keep a tab on the powers of the government, it is essential to have an independent judiciary. Business managers fear getting tangled up with lawyers, lobbyists, and bureaucrats, so they keep their distance from the government and legal matters. This aversion leads many to neglect law as a competitive tool. Once they realise the importance of being a part of rule making process, they try to influence rule making. Thus, they do the business the way they like and still remain on the right side of law. The focus then is to use law as a potent tool in general and as a lethal weapon against competitors. Law, therefore, becomes the true friend, philosopher and guide. The course examines the relationship between government, law and business and how businesses can use law to win legally.

- Provide the business students an opportunity to understand the role of businesses in rule making and how successful businesses in most of the cases make the rules for others.
- To make the students realise the importance of the relationship of law and government and its impact on business.
- Make the students aware of the potency of legal tools, their use and limitations.

Emphasis shall be on discussion of contemporary issues, which relate to all the three aspects of the course, viz., business, government and law. As these issues are ultimately related to public in general, they generate greater interest in the media. Both print and electronic media provide substantial information and insight into the current issues. Besides the suggested text, it would be our effort to cull relevant material of topical interest for class discussion. Brief lectures would be delivered to provide an overview and summarise important aspects. However, the course relies heavily on participation, presentation by participants and the ensuing class discussion.