
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Gender and Development Policy and Programmes Area Public Systems Group Credits 1.00

Prof. Smita Premchander (VF)

Course Description & Objectives
This course takes the students through a serious gender discourse in the field of development and large government and international programmes for poverty reduction and gender equality. It starts with tracking how welfare approaches gave way to approaches which prioritize women’s voice, influence and agency. As the development paradigms have changed, gender mainstreaming has developed as an important mode of including women’s concerns in policy formulation. The course discusses concepts and frameworks, such as the Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) framework, and enables a deeper understanding among the students through discussion of cases and projects where these have been applied over the past 50 years of development management.

The course will help participants to understand and apply the concepts and frameworks relevant to Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI).

The course focuses on gender and development, in policy and programmes, at public policy level, and at organizational level. It aims to help students understand how gender equality frameworks have changed, and how national and international policies and programmes have changed over time. The course will introduce the three domains of change of Economic Empowerment, Strengthening of Voice, and changes in institutional norms and policies, or Rules of the Game. Through reading cases and papers about the GESI Theory of Change, the students will get the skills to analyze development policies and programmes, and organizational policies and systems, for promoting gender equality. It will introduce students to the global indicators for monitoring progress on gender equality, and to the Indian data, relating to these indicators, and some case studies are from elsewhere in Asia, particularly India and Bangladesh.

● Classroom lectures
● Group discussions and presentations
● Case studies
● Literature review