
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Managing Energy Businesses Area Public Systems Group Credits 0.75

Prof. Amit Garg,
Prof. Divyesh Desai (VF)

Course Description & Objectives
Energy companies are among the top companies at various stock exchanges and feature prominently in the Fortune-500 list. They are among the fastest growing companies, both in terms of revenue and profits. In India, three of the top ten companies are in the business of energy exploration, production and/or distribution. Apart from the conventional energy businesses, new avenues have also opened up in fields of alternative energy supply, flexible power systems and energy services.

Energy is climbing up the corporate agenda, due to global thrust on environmental, social and business trends, resource conservation, and innovations in energy systems. New business models are evolving through convergence of renewables, smart grids, storage, electric vehicles and internet.

Energy businesses face unique challenges. The demand for energy is on the rise, conventional fossil fuel stocks are uncertain and depleting, and there is a global imperative to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Since the energy businesses often transcend national borders, they are exposed to global geopolitical, financial, and environmental market risks.

The course aims to introduce how the global energy businesses are evolving, what risks they face and how do they respond to the changing competitive dynamics marked by scalability, diversification and integration. The focus will be to identify solutions that can integrate energy business concerns with environmental, socio-economic, technological andgeopolitical considerations. The course will also discuss recent advances and emerging business opportunities in: i) new and renewable energy technology markets, ii) energy services businesses focusing on the demand-side efficiency (e.g. lighting, appliances, automobile), iii) entrepreneurship and risk finance and iv) integrated energy and environment solutions (e.g. infrastructures, ICT solutions).

Case method and class discussions