
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Securities Regulations Area Finance and Accounting Credits 0.75

Prof. Sandeep Parekh (VF)

Course Description & Objectives
Course content:
An introduction to the application of regulations in the capital markets. The course content will take you on a journey across IPOs and public offerings, Exchanges and secondary markets, the market for control and takeovers, Fraud, Insider Trading and Manipulation and finally international and cross border regulations. While this is a law course, you will notice how the subject impacts the daily lives of bankers, investment advisors, finance professionals and senior managers who make strategic decisions. The importance of the course would be in helping future corporate leaders avoid the pitfalls faced by their predecessors – ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it. 

  • As a senior manager, you will be responsible for the action of all your subordinates and it is important to have internal controls in place so that you don’t get into trouble for the sins of others. Knowing the regulations will help you structure prophylactic internal controls. 
  • As a deal maker and negotiator in the corporate world, knowing what to put in a shareholders’ agreement or any agreement for that matter will place you ahead of your colleagues in hard usable skills on a daily basis. 
  • To introduce you to legal strategy. Several successful businessmen have used the law and the courts as a sword and a shield in corporate disputes, in particular, takeover issues. The law is indeed a powerful weapon in the highly regulated field of securities and financial regulations. You will also be exposed to people who use the law and legal remedies to their strategic advantage.
  • The course will show you how exciting legal issues and battles can be. You will be introduced to a few of the biggest financial scamsters, insider traders and fraudulent people in history and their modus operandi (Charles Ponzi and Ivan Boesky for instance) and their sometimes successful legal defenses. You will also see some of the largest Indian scams play out in the Indian system. You will see how much they got
  • Throughout the course you will be exposed to US regulations. In particular, the law on insider trading and fraud is very highly developed in that country and will be used for filling up holes in the understanding of Indian regulations.


  • This session uses the ‘case law’ method of teaching – which is different from the case method used at the institute. This method uses primary material from actual cases from courts. From the previous years’ classes, the students have found the reading material a little difficult initially because of the legal jargon but it did not seem to be a problem during the latter half of the class as people started getting used to the ‘case law’ method and the legal language.
  • Readings from the “course material” must be read before class. Everything in the course material and what is discussed in class is game for grading. Optional readings will be handed out by way of a small compilation. Optional readings are not used for grading purposes but are highly recommended for your future professional use. There will be marks for class participation, so read up before you participate. If for some reason you are unable to read before class please intimate me before class.