
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Understanding Bhagavad Gita: Employees' Roles and Performance Area Human Resource Management Credits 0.75

Prof. Sunil Maheshwari

Course Description & Objectives

Course content is included in the session plan.


Moral hazard is cited one of the most serious challenge in organizations in highly competitive business environment. Current global economic crisis is cited to have its roots in questionable practices in organizations and there is increasing emphasis on Ethics in organizations. Lessons from Bhagavad Gita suggest powerful ways to promote management practices that are consistent with business model and yet ethical. This course is aimed at early reflection on those learning. This course will also enable to develop competence to face challenging times in their career with aplomb and confidence.

It is not a course to reflect on religion.

-The course is primarily based on “Bhagavad Gita: As It Is.” There will be intense discussion on various chapters of the book for managing business effectively while maintaining ethics and morality. A case let describing a business dilemma will be circulated in some sessions. 

-Participants will be required to prepare learning journal for each session.

-There may be few presentations by the students during the course.