
Programme PGP Term VI Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Probity in Governance and Administration Area Public Systems Group Credits 0.75

Prof. Sundaravalli Narayanaswami

Course Description & Objectives
The importance for good governance is felt more than ever in the current scenario in the country and elsewhere. Whether it is a government or a quasi-government or a corporate establishment, prevention of corruption and unethical practices is a priority. Every organization is evaluated based on several parameters; of all, good governance and fair, transparent administration is the keys to superior levels of service delivery and betterment of organizational value. To ensure good governance and fair administration, organizations are subject to a number of audit procedures and compliance norms. There are two aspects to this exercise that hamper the entire philosophy of good governance: (1)
despite a host of audit guidelines, corruption and unfair administration do happen. (2) the perception of compliance norms as an hindrance to everyday affairs and therefore, a deterrent of operational efficiency by the organizational employees.
The motivation of the program is to address the above two contemporary challenges from the state administration perspectives.

The course helps develop clarity in the following:
  1.  Potential pitfalls in administrative processes
  2.  How institutional procedures are violated intentionally and un-intentionally
  3.  Interlinkage between people, systems and good governance
  4.  Role of modern age technology in good governance
  5.  Developing Robust administrative processes

A mix of case discussions, lectures and short videos.