
Programme PGP & PGP-FABM Term I Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Financial Reporting and Analysis Area Finance and Accounting Credits 0.75

Prof. Shailesh Gandhi,
Prof. Sobhesh Kr Agarwalla

Course Description & Objectives
Every organisation uses various types of resources to accomplish its one or more objectives. Accounting is an information system that provides information about the amounts of these resources, the means of financing them, and the results achieved through using them. This information is required by various stakeholders like shareholders, employees, suppliers, financial institutions, customers, and statutory agencies. This course enables the students to develop skills to prepare and understand various financial statements viz. balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows, and to analyze and interpret the data contained in these statements. The course covers the framework of accounting concepts, mechanics related to the preparation of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, computation of ratios and basic analysis of the annual report. It also covers evaluating the managerial choices of alternative accounting practices in specific areas and their impact on financial statements. The discussion on such choices would also provide the opportunity to appreciate Indian Accounting Standards that are converged to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) referred to as “Ind AS.” 

The pedagogy would focus on self-learning by the students with inputs from the instructors on explaining the concepts and their applications. The practice problems would be distributed to the students.