
Programme PGP & PGP-FABM Term I Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Human Resource Management-I Area Human Resource Management Credits 0.50

Prof. Aditya Christopher Moses,
Prof. Biju Varkkey,
Prof. Promila Agarwal

Course Description & Objectives
  • Develops understanding of the conceptual foundations and practice of Human Resources Management in formal organizational environment.
  • Provides insights about how HR strategies, initiatives and programs contribute to competitive advantage of organizations.
  • Equips participants with knowledge of HR tools and techniques required for achieving high performance.
  • Ushers understanding of the regulatory framework and the dynamics of employee collectives. 
  • Provides insights on different concepts, models and fundamentals of contemporary HRM in international contexts.

  • The case method will be extensively used for the course.
  • This will be supplemented by presentations, in class exercises, role plays, and guest lectures from industry.