
Programme PGP & PGP-FABM Term III Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Organizational Dynamics Area Organizational Behaviour Credits 0.75

Prof. K V Gopakumar,
Prof. Pradyumana Khokle,
Prof. Vishal Gupta

Course Description & Objectives


Organizations are an essential part of our world. They affect and permeate almost all aspects of our work as well as personal life. As individuals, we become part of several different organizations at different stages of our life viz. as students in schools and colleges, as employees or owners, as volunteers and members of clubs, social groups, etc. To work in and to manage these organizations, it is essential to understand how these organizations work and perform their functions. 

Organizational Dynamics looks at how different parts of an organization interact and work together; and how an organization as a unit interacts with the environment in terms of its structure, systems, management of its resources, survival, growth and renewal. 

Organizational Dynamics attempts to understand the functioning of an organization as a unit of analysis. This requires (a) a familiarity with organizational theories and concepts, as well as, (b) an ability to apply them to specific situations. This course will seek to achieve both through a series of readings, case discussions and exercises. Specific questions will be given in advance to guide analysis of a case, wherever appropriate. More details are given in the attached “Session Details and List of Readings”.