
Programme PGPX Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Leading Professional Service Firm Area Strategy Credits 0.50

Prof. Sunil Sharma

Course Description & Objectives
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is an overarching macro traffic management system. ITS is seen as an effective way of managing transportation networks with a twin objective of resource productivity and effective response time. It is considered as the futuristic guiding approach for service providers to ensure high quality mobility choices to the commuters.

ITS is multidisciplinary, with dominance of technology. The standards related to design, project management, operations and maintenance are evolving. Needless to emphasize, they are complex and challenging. ITS requires a supporting policy environment of the state. Investments required are huge, hence there is a need to articulate a business case. The life cycle of ITS includes conceptualization, design, project management, operations, maintenance and enhancements.

This course attempts to provide an overview of several aspects related to ITS. Students will understand the nuances to undertake professionally demanding, intellectually challenging and financially rewarding career opportunities in modern transportation systems. There are four modules in the course:
1. Introduction to the Course
2. Anatomy of ITS
3. ITS Operations
4. Economics of ITS

1. To introduce the concept of ITS as a macro traffic management system.
2. To appreciate the multidisciplinary aspects of ITS.
3. To discuss the enabling role of technology (vehicular technology, infrastructure, information and communication technology).
4. To understand the operational aspects of ITS lifecycle (conceptualization, design, project management, operations and maintenance).

A mix of case discussions, lectures and short videos.