
Programme PGPX Term V Academic Year 2021-22

Course title Transformational Leadership and Organizational Impact Area Strategy Credits 1.00

Prof. N. Ravichandran (VF)

Course Description & Objectives
Transformational leadership is an inspirational course designed for mature audience (significant work experience). We define transformational leadership as an all-encompassing profile of a leader who makes a significant impact on the people, organization, community and the society. Therefore, transformational leadership is not confined to bringing operational efficiencies and growth measured in terms of business performance. While transformational leadership will ensure operational efficiency, contextual effectiveness and business results, they (transformational leaders) change the landscape of the business environment.

1. To explore the concept of transformational leadership
2. To demonstrate by empirical evidences the symbiotic relationship between transformational leadership and organizational impact
3. To explore various business contexts in which transformational leadership has been practiced and has been found impactful

Predominantly case based. While, the leader (transformational) is dominant and visible in the context of the organizations discussed in the course, the focus is not on the behavioral aspects or personality profile of the concerned leader. Our discussion would focus on the organizational context, environment in which the organization operates the enabling and visionary role of the transformational leader. To clarify, the unit of analysis / discussion / conversation is a business organization.